ReelSteady for After Effects
Frequently asked questions
Q: How do I purchase the ReelSteady for After Effects product?
A: ReelSteady for After Effects has been discontinued and is no longer being sold.
Q: The plugin is only working on OSX with older versions of After Effects? Why is this?
A: ReelSteady for After Effects is compatible with OSX for CC 2017 and earlier until further notice. This is due to a major bug that Adobe has yet to patch in the latest CC versions. Currently it works in CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015 and CC 2017 on Mac only.
Q: Can I return ReelSteady if I don't like it?
A: We provide a free watermarked evaluation copy of our software that functions identically to the paid version so that customers will know exactly what they will be getting before committing to a purchase. Because of this, we do not accept returns.
Q: What's the difference between the Demo version and the Paid version?
A: The Demo version has a watermark.
Q: Is there a standalone version of ReelSteady? Can I use it in Adobe Premiere?
A: Currently ReelSteady is exclusively a plugin for Adobe After Effects.
Q: Are there any kinds of shots ReelSteady can't handle?
A: ReelSteady works best when there are non-moving features in your scene. The camera can be moving all over the place, but you don't want the things in your scene to be moving. If your shot contains little or none of these features ReelSteady may not produce favorable results.
Q: I ran ReelSteady and my shot is zoomed in by a large amount. How do I fix this?
A: This is probably because smoothness set too high. Reducing it will most likely will fix the problem.
Q: Does ReelSteady work on zooming shots?
A: ReelSteady currently works on fixed focal length shots only.
Q: Do I need to remove the fisheye distortion from fisheye lens footage before stabilizing?
A: You will need to correct for any fisheye distortion in your footage.