ReelSteady for After Effects

Known Issues



  • Currently ReelSteady is 8bit only.  Future versions will support up to 32bit color space.

  • Dynamic linking with Adobe Premier can cause errors.

  • Copying ReelSteady from one layer to another does not work.

  • Enabling multi-core rendering will cause rendering errors.

  • Using the Adobe Media Encoder can cause render errors.  Please render straight out of After Effects.

  • Sometime the "load" preset button will send you to the wrong folder.  If this happens, you can manually navigate to the folder. 

    On PC... C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC\Support Files\Plug-ins\ReelSteady\camera_presets

    On the mac.... /Applications/Adobe After Effects CC 2014/Plug-ins/ReelSteady/camera_presets